The Story Behind The Lamb...

The Musical Box, the only band in the world to acquire from Peter Gabriel and Genesis the performing rights and access to archives, audio tracks and original slideshow for “The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway”, re-stages 25 years later the original concert in painstaking details.

The show, critically acclaimed, is a great success and is produced in some of the most prestigious amphitheaters in the world, such as London’s Royal Albert Hall and the Paris’ Olympia. In 2005, Phil Collins joins the band on stage in Geneva.

“The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway” reclaimed its deserving glory.

In 2008, Serge Morissette, The Musical Box’ artistic director, participates in the re-editing of “The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway” and recreates the original slide show sequence for the DVD version of the album.


Pushing back the limits of its musical ingenuity, Genesis unveils in 1974 its new double LP “The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway” based on a story by Peter Gabriel, including iconic titles such as " Fly on A Windshield", “In The cage” and “Carpet Crawlers”.

The concert premiere, scheduled In October ‘74 in England, is postponed due to Steve Hackett’s hand injury, and moved to America a few weeks later. The audience is left perplexed, unfamiliar with the new repertoire since the album is still not available.

One of the very first Rock Operas in history, The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway" is performed in its entirety, supported by an imposing projection system with more than 1000 slides, with outrageous costumes and props and an arsenal of visual effects and pyrotechnics. An innovative but fastidious staging, which will translate into frequent technical problems.

After a tour of more than 100 dates in America and Europe, Peter Gabriel announces he’s leaving Genesis. For many, the end of an era.

Misunderstood, never filmed and poorly documented, it seems “The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway” has faced adversity and will undoubtedly become the most mythic work of Genesis.

There is also some interesting reading about the original tour and other things "Lamb" on Wikipedia here.