CalProg serves food on site as a service to
concert goers, not as a profit generating enterprise, and with that in
mind we do our best to keep prices low while providing friendly service.
The food concession is staffed with family members and volunteers, headed
by Kathy Harrel. Despite the urgings of the CalProg staff and her husband
she insists on keeping prices WAY lower than anything you'll find at ANY
concert venue. If you appreciate the service, please let them know.
Since CalProg has grown so much over the last 3 years many are
suggesting that we turn this over to the pros and maybe have vending
trucks or local restaurants set up booths to offer more choices, even if
the prices are higher. Maybe we will do that next year. We welcome your
input on the subject!
The lead guitar player in the band I've played in for over 20 years
happens to be the owner of the "Locally World Famous" CARNEYS.
Anyone who has driven down Sunset strip has seen the Carney's railroad
car. In my humble opinion, they serve the best hot dogs in SoCal! They
will be supplying the dogs for CalProg's lunch.
Dinner is pizza from PapaJohns. There will be signup sheets at the
concession window for pizza. If you are interested in a slice(s) for
dinner please stop by and put an X by the kind you would like. This will
help us order the appropriate amount. You of course should have plenty of time
during the dinner break to go "off campus" and have dinner at
one of the great eateries in the uptown Whittier area, but
don't miss Tom Brislin's solo set on the patio during the dinner break..
Lastly (yes this has to be the LONGEST explanation of food options ever
written) you are certainly welcome to bring a cooler with your own
favorite stuff. I would recommend keeping that in the trunk of your car as
there is no place really for us to store 400 coolers at the venue. There
is no alcohol allowed on the premises since this is CITY property, so
don't bring anything that is easily identifiable as alcoholic into the
eating area. No food or drinks are allowed in the main theater (with the
possible exception of water bottles).
Here are the selections and prices (subject to change) planned for