Power of 2 could only be described as incredible. Beyond expectation. The
dinner Friday was wonderful. Shared our table with Touchstone. What a
truly nice group of individuals. Rob, Kim, Al, Adam, and Moo, were great
to talk with. And to be able to talk with Roine, Jonas Nad, Lale, and
Nick, was a dream come true. These are some of the greatest musicians in
the world, and all were very approachable, humble, and exquisite human
beings. They all made me feel like a friend, not just a fan. These groups
need to be on the worlds biggest stage, but yet it was in such an intimate
setting that could make one be truly thankful for such an opportunity as
this was. Thank you doesn't seem like enough, but it's all one has. From
the bottom of my heart, thank you.

I took my wife and our two kids to the
show Saturday and, of course, we totally enjoyed the performances. My kids
are 20 and 17 years old. I estimate that in attendance there were no more
than 10 people their age or less out of 350 plus. So when I ask my kids
why Calprog doesn't attract more people their age, the response I get is,
"Musically, our generation sucks". A sad testimonial. So in
response, they are going to school this week with burned cd's in hand and
a great enthusiasm for prog to convert as many of their friends as
possible. Now there's a worthwhile mission.
It was my first time at Calprog, i must say, it's one of
the best settings i've experienced in SoCal in a long time, i recently
found Karma and Agents, they are really two different animals, what's
funny is i thought Nick did much better with Agents... Karma is a monster
killer, they played the three best tracks from the new album, totally
granted my wish, ten fold. Wouldve loved to have seen them with their
drummer. On Nick's behalf, there was a section in track two where he
really blew the doors off, and of course, redeemed fully with Afterglow.
The big surprise for me was It Bites, they started off slow but by mid set
they just launched, very tight arrangements, what a timing machine. The
Holdsworth gig is going to be awesome, i wont be missing any of the shows
you guys have to offer, it was great to have a little break between stes
too, made some monster sandwiches and had a cold beer out in my van, just
a great experience all around, even ran into a bass player i havent seen
in almost 20 years, we are gonna jam next week......GREAT time had by all.
Back from SoCal to the rain, and time to
thank everyone for a great show. As always, thanks to Papa J and the
crew for their efforts and, dare I say, excellent taste in prog. Thanks
also to Greg, Shawn and David and Warren for coming out, keeping me
entertained between sets, taking my money with grace and adding to my
"to buy" list geometrically compared to the music that I bought.
And finally, thanks to the bands and Tom Brislin who each gave a
great show.
Having enjoyed playing in the (big
band) jazz band through college - bass trombone was my instrument -
I learned to love a drummer who can kick his or her band with
inventive fills (something more than just the snare and ride cymbal) and
keep the beat strong whether with sticks or brushes. Nick
certainly fulfilled that role to my ears and I thoroughly enjoyed his
playing and both of the sets

That was my 2nd Calprog (I got to attend the inaugural).
I was reminded of what a great scene Calprog is. Staying at the Radisson,
getting to have breakfast, of all things with such amazing performers,
getting to see their magic on stage then breakfast the next morning,
getting to share in their afterglow. It's so cool to meet up with old
friends as well as making new friends.
Touchstone was a great surprise. Karmakanic's "Send a message from
the heart" was one of the GREATEST live songs I've ever seen. What an
amazingly talented band Jonas has assembled. Lalle Larrson blew my mind
and I told him so on Sunday morning. And big thanks for NDV for filling in
so handily on such short notice.
I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next year.
Great job as always to our favorite Godfather of Prog, PapaJ and his
terrific crew.

Thanks again, PapaJ, for another great weekend! I feel the music this time
around was very "high quality". All the bands presented the best
of themselves, both musically and personally, and they handled the
technical glitches with class and good humor. I was not disappointed or
bored with any of the acts, although I did miss half of Brislin's set for
my "granny nap". ;-)
It was good to chat with old friends and make new ones... a very important
part of CalProg for a lot of us, I think. It's not just about the music,
but the fellowship, too. The bands were also very friendly to us fans,
which is always appreciated.
I will be writing a thorough review of the weekend and editing photos. I
already know that my Touchstone photos did not turn out at all... they
were all fuzzy. :-( I look forward to what the professional photographers
have captured.
Hugs, and see you all again next year!
Thanks Jim and staff...
For once again throwing a great party. Spent a lot of money and probably
drank too much and stayed up too late but had a fantastic time. One Stacy
and I both desperately needed. (Not to complain in this note but as most
of you know 2009 has been less than stellar for our family) The music was
good to stellar and the people as always gracious and kind. You guys are
the best. Look forward to the upcoming one off shows and Calprog 2010.
I think they were the highlight of the
show. Lalle Larsson is an amazing keyboardist. I think he beats out Jordan
Rudess for the most notes played in a minute plus he can play jazz!

I don't have the time to write a full
review but I did want to mention to you that I thought Karmakanik and It
Bites were the two best bands on stage. Touchstone was good too.
Maybe I was a bit subdued with the 11am start time, but I can't take
anything bad away from their performance, it was all good!
The one band that really made an
impression on me was It Bites. It really meant a lot to me to see
them perform live, especially after speaking in length with John
Mitchell and Lee Pomeroy on Friday night (thanks for setting that
pre-meet up by the way, that was fantastic).
It took a couple of days for the fog to
clear and for me to reflect back on the whole concert, but It Bites left
me with an incredibly strong impression and all the pieces seemed to
fall in place and now I really appreciate what a great musician John
Mitchell is, not only with It Bites but with *Frost too.
A very nice guy, super intelligent, and
over the top talented. Their showed ROCKED THE HOUSE and I have
not been that impressed by a band in a long time (the whole package, not
just the music)

Well,...that was grand! It was my
first CalProg but certainly not the last. I loved spending the
afternoon with Roine and the boys, Touchstone and It Bites were also kickin',
but not too sure how IB made "headliner" though; a livelier
set for sure, but in my own estimation AOM and Karma fit more in
the "prog mold".....but that's just me talkin'.....
Thanks a million for putting these
shows together, seeing Neal last year and Lamb this summer has
been dynamite, as well as CP09! Please keep it coming, you're doing a
bang-up job. That said, as I told you last Saturday I'm dying to
get good seats for the Holdsworth/Mastellato/Levin/Bozzio show in
January and hope you'll pull back the velvet rope and let me in line early
Lastly, I don't know what type of
help you need on these events but I'd surely be glad to help you stuff
envelopes, post bills in the post-no-bills zone...whatever you need,
please let me know, it's a bonafide offer!
Thanks again, I look forward to seeing
you again sooner than later!