CalProg 2005
The Authorized Bootleg


Live recording from June 4, 2005 in Whittier, California. These songs are recorded directly from the mixing board and are not a digital multi-track recording. They accurately represent what it was like to be in the theater the day of the show.

Each band has generously DONATED songs to help support CalProg through the year and whatever efforts it makes to bring high quality progressive music to SoCal. 

Track List

SPIRALING                                                              Bubblemath
    Connection                              3:35                             Be Together                6:07                     
    Face for Radio                        6:55                             Get a Lawn                  6:04
    Texas is the Reason               4:39                             The Knife                     8:49
    You Can't Get There               6:30                              The Sensual Con       7:52
    Sound Chaser                       10:30

TILES                                                                        IZZ
    Facing Failure                        6:35                            I Move                            5:21
    Modification                            3:24                            Assurance                    6:28

The packaging is bare-bones and consists of a slim-line jewel case and a single page insert that contains the CD Title and Track Listing only.

These recordings were made from the
mixing board at CalProg. The project is called “The Authorized Bootleg” because the sound quality is closer to a bootleg than to a multi-track pro live recording. The bands have graciously authorized the use of their performances for CalProg fundraising purposes. We advise you to listen to the samples on the website before making a purchase. All proceeds go to CalProg. This is a limited offer.

The Official Bootleg CD - 2005 (US) $10.00 + $2.50 S&H (NON-US) $5.00 S&H



    Sounds/CP05 - Spiraling - Connection - SAMPLE.mp3
    Sounds/CP05 - Spiraling - Texas Is the Reason - SAMPLE.mp3
    Sounds/CP05 - Spiraling - Sound Chaser - SAMPLE.mp3

    Sounds/CP05 - Bubblemath - Be Together - SAMPLE.mp3
    Sounds/CP05 - Bubblemath - The Knife - SAMPLE.mp3

    Sounds/CP05 - Tiles - Facing Failure - SAMPLE.mp3

    Sounds/CP05 - IZZ - I MOVE - SAMPLE.mp3