Special Hotel Rates for Spock's Beard & Enchant Show

7320 Greenleaf Avenue, Whittier, CA 90602
Telephone: (562) 945-8514

Dates: Aug 28 & 29, 2015

Unfortunately there is not a link that you can use to book on-line, you will actually have to book by phone. But it's a pretty good discount compared to what I could find on the web without a special deal. Here's what you do...

Call the Radisson Hotel and ask for:

Patti Leahy   |  Sales Manager Corporate/Group            
 Phone: (562) 945-8511
 Direct: (562) 945-8514


Natalie Islas  Phone: (562) 945-8511 x(1129)

Tell them you want to book room(s) with the special CALPROG rate. The dates available are Friday August 28, and Saturday August 29. The rate is $109 per night.