The following was issued by Echolyn earlier this year...

Echolyn Press Release: February 4, 2008

Hello everyone!

We are excited to announce several news items from the world of echolyn. 

News item #1:

With a tentative CD ship date for our 9th studio release (title TBA) scheduled for early June, we hope to again deliver a CD full of fresh, innovative, and “100 proof” echolyn material. As of early February we are “4 songs in” and have found the intensity and vibe that we are known for and have, without a doubt, forged into areas we have not explored before. All of us are excited to see where the writing will take us. It is always an emotional journey and we look forward to conveying the finished product to you.

With hard work and tight deadlines we hope to be recording the album by April at Brett’s new studio called Area 602. or, followed by mixing and mastering in May.

We will soon be updating our web site with video/audio clips and commentary of the writing, and recording process.  Also a page will be set up (as we have in the past) that will include new press photos, and artwork for download.

As soon as those things are in place we’ll let you know.

News item #2:

“Cowboy Poems Free” re-release!!  Finally, our acclaimed 2000 album will be available again!  With ALL NEW ARTWORK, this album has been carefully and completely RE-MIXED and RE-MASTERED to showcase the power of the music and lyric.  Focusing on 20th Century Americana , 1900-1949, this truly lyrical album shines like it finally should!  We will be completing this new package in February and making it available to you in March.  Again, we will keep you informed of the release date and other news pertaining to CPF.

News item #3:

NEARFEST 2008.  Echolyn has been asked to play the 10-year anniversary of the greatest progressive rock festival around!  Go to for all information. With that said, in a perfect world we hope at the very least to play shows on the east coast (from Quebec to the Carolinas) and also head to (much missed) Europe again.

Stay tuned for gigs!!

News item #4:

Brett Kull’s 2nd solo album is called “Last Of The Curlews” and delivers on a variety of levels.  Beautiful arrangements, understated musicianship, lyrical potency, and stellar production are all bursting out on this new release.  Containing 14 new songs, this CD spans three years of writing and will also be released in early June.